
In 2020 I had been freelancing and when covid hit. A lot of my clients were back and forth with projects being on so I decided to augment my time with the Daily UI Challenge. I wanted to take an approach that I would try to design apps that would break my comfort zone and keep to a mobile only medium.

In 2024 I reopened the projects and have been touching them up slightly. Since I have a lot of projects under NDA this gives a taste of what I can do.
Day 46 - Invoice
Day 45 - Info Card
Day 44 - Favorites
Day 43 - Food / Drink Menu
Day 42 - ToDo List
Day 41 - Workout Tracker
Day 40 - Recipe
Day 39 - Testimonials
Day 38 - Calendar
Day 37 - Weather
Day 36 - Special Offer
Day 35 - Blog Post
Day 34 - Car Interface
Day 33 - Customize Product
Day 32 - Crowdfunding Campaign
Day 31 - File Upload
Day 30 - Pricing
Day 29 - Map
Day 28 - Contact Us
Day 27 - Dropdown
Day 26 - Subscribe
Day 25 - TV App
Day 24 - Boarding Pass
Day 23 - On Boarding
Day 22 - Search
Day 21 - Monitoring Dashboard
Day 20 - Location Tracker
Day 19 - Leaderboard
Day 18 - Analytics Chart
Day 17 - Email Receipt
Day 16 - Popup Overlay
Day 15 - On Off Switch
Day 14 - Countdown Timer
Day 13 - Direct Messaging
Day 12 - Ecommerce Single Item
Day 11 - Flash Message
Day 10 - Social Share
Day 9 - Music Player
Day 8 - 404 Page
Day 7 - Settings
Day 6 - User Profile
Day 5 - App Icon
Day 4 - Calculator
Day 3 - Landing Page
Day 2 - Check Out
Day 1 - Sign Up